
No one realized that underneath the ground, twenty-three feet below the surface of the forest floor, a hollow tube connected the three stone monoliths that contained the Oracle’s habitat. The tube was made from an alien substance — metallic in appearance, but infinitely harder — fitted to the bottom of each stone like a metal pipe that entered the honeycomb interior in which the Oracle centered its consciousness. If a person could look down with x-ray eyes, they would see that the tube formed a perfect equilateral triangle, but with rounded vertices. This was the emblem of the Oracle in the world of the WingMakers, and each of those who had developed the Oracle, trained it, enabled its entry upon earth, and continued to watch over it, they recognized this symbol as the Oracle of Dohrman.

没有人意识到在地下,在森林地表下面二十三英尺的地底下,有一根空心的导管连接着那包含着神谕的栖息地的三块巨石。 导管是用一种外太空的材料制成的 -外观是金属,但无比的坚固 – 装在每块石头的底部,就像一根金属管,进入到神谕在里面集中它的意识的蜂巢状的内部。如果一个人用带x光的眼睛看下去,他们就会看到导管形成了一个完美的等边三角形,只是它的三个角是圆的。这是神谕在wingmakers世界里的象征,而每个那些发展神谕,训练它,使它能够进入到物质世界里,并继续守护着它的人,他们将认出它就是道蒙神谕的象征。 摘自(隔代相传的遗产)




The golden medallion that encircled the “head stone” at its base was engraved with otherworldly symbols that none had deciphered, but the assumption that it was made of copper, was mistaken. This substance was of the same substance that the triangular-shaped connecting tube was made from, and it was the Metal of Gods that bore unknown properties, among them was its ability to organize the energetic spacetime in which it had a presence. The original makers of the Oracle had, in a sense, impregnated a specific aspect of their consciousness into the metal medallion, and the medallion radiated this characteristic. This was the nature of this special substance, and it was not hampered by time, nor influenced by human interaction.

环绕在这个“头石”底部的金色圆形浮雕,雕刻着无人看懂的超现实的象征符号,但是认为它是由铜制造的假设是错误的。这种物质与制造三角形连接导管的物质是同一种物质,它是上帝的金属,有着未知的特性,在其中它有一种能力,管理它存在于其中的能量的时空。从某种意义上,神谕最初的制造者,将他们意识的一个特定面向注入到了金属浮雕里,浮雕散发出这个特性。这是这个特殊的物质的本质,而它是不受时间,也不受人类关系的限制。 而之前当修泽利德按约定的去找多瑞尔,在绿房子的门口看到的也是一个圆形的门环:

On the backside he found a wooden door with a strange doorknocker—a serpent entwined in a circle as it if were eating its own tail.

在后面他看到一扇木门,上面有一个奇怪的门把 – 由一条好像咬着自己的尾巴的蛇绕成的圆圈构成。 如果三角形是神谕的象征,而神谕就是造翼者的信息。那么圆形浮雕又象征什么?其实这个圆形浮雕就是三角形里的圆形,也是由衔尾蛇构成的。咬着自己尾巴的蛇代表开始就是结束,有不受时间约束,永恒的意思。


